
Browse the complete archive of 12 posts.

  • For many years, online classifieds sites have used advertising as a supplemental revenue stream, with options like Google AdSense, Google AdExchange, or directly sold ads offering a boost. However, these traditional ad placements aren’t the primary income drivers for most classified platforms. The heart of classifieds revenue comes from

  • In October 2023, the digital advertising landscape saw the introduction of new triggers for interstitial ad displays, specifically within Google AdSense and Ad Manager platforms. A significant addition is the 'unhide tab interstitial,' which initiates an ad when a user returns to a previously opened browser tab. Alongside

  • Limited ads provide a way for publishers to respect user privacy, while still maintaining a revenue stream from advertising. However, it's worth noting that limited ads typically have lower CPMs (cost per thousand impressions) compared to personalized ads, as they are less targeted and thus potentially less effective

  • This is Nuwara, a brand new site by Simon Krajniak that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!